Being a freelance photographer based in Leicester means that I am not very far from quite a few of the other major cities around England, and having a love for travelling means that my days are always filled seeing new places and capturing new images.

Photography is my main passion in life and it is something I spend 90% of my time doing - The other 10% being sleeping or thinking about what I can photograph next! When I look back on past images, I can see that there are areas in which I excel and areas in which my photography could probably do with a bit of work, but I don't simply stick to the areas in which I am good at, I photograph because I love doing it, and not simply to get the 'perfect' image. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I am going to keep capturing the beauty of the world around me through my lens. I hope that by looking at my images, I have brought to you a little bit of the beauty I see through my camera every day.

Enjoy and thank you for looking through my portfolio!